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Former residents are an important part of Pedralbes Residence Hall. The relationship of a resident of our university residence does not end at the end of university studies and when returning to the city of origin. The years of intense life, full of youth and university ideals, makes the former residents keep fond memories of their stay in the residence hall.


For those who are still in Pedralbes Residence Hall, former residents are a permanent example and receive their unwavering support for improving the activities of the residence hall. Many former residents keep alive their relationship with Pedralbes and collaborate selflessly with the Board of the Residence Hall in order to get social activities and the training tasks performed from Pedralbes off the ground.


Each year the Meeting of Former Residents, a great occasion to meet again and remember old times, is celebrated in Pedralbes Residence Hall.


Through the web, you can keep your personal data updated and have contact with former colleagues.


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    *Personal data from the resident will be included to the residents Pedralbes dataset just for administrative purposes and will not be given to any institution, in accordance with LOPD 15/1999.


    It is the forum through which the former students communicate themselves and with the university residence under existing laws, which establish that “the former residents of Pedralbes Residence Hall constitute an internal group composed of those who have been trained in the university residence hall. They shall ensure that their traditions keep alive and promote unity among the Old Residents, as well as between them and Pedralbes Residence Hall, so the residents keep alive, at all times, the spirit of the training received”(Article 14).

    According to these Statutes, the internal grouping, without legal personality, is integrated into the Residence Hall as a manifestation of his own capacity for self-organization, self-government and self-management, and is indefinite.

    CMU Pedralbes is attached to the University of Barcelona ​​and participates in the tax benefits that the current law provides.

    The members of this Association are the former residents or people affiliated to CMU Pedralbes that have been incorporated into the residence hall for a year at least and are admitted by the Board of Former Residents at their request.

    The members of the association contribute to the support of this affiliation by some type of periodic financial aid or other similar means.

    – Encourage the relationship of former residents to each other, and each resident with Pedralbes Residence Hall.

    – Provide a channel for the activities of former residents of CMU Pedralbes.

    – Promote and encourage cultural and educational activities mainly among former students of the university residence Pedralbes.

    – Direct social activities that provide solutions to the physical and spiritual needs of society.

    – Help to Pedralbes Residence Hall in its needs, whatever their nature and the limits of the resources of the Association.

    – Propose to the Board of Governors the appointment of “Resident of Honour” under Article 8, G) of the Statute of the university residence hall.

    The executive body is the Board of Directors, which meets under the Regulations.

    The executive body is the Board of Directors, which meets under the Regulations.

    According to Article 14.3 of the Statute of the Pedralbes Residence Hall, the Board of Directors of the residence hall is headed by the Principal. It is also made up with the necessary members and the secretary, who must be members of the Association of Former Residents of the university residence; all appointed by the Board (Article 8G).

    del acordeón

    – With the aid of its members, donations received from third parties and the extraordinary income obtained by the Association of Former Residents of the Pedralbes Residence Hall.

    – The aids received comply with tax incentives established in Law 49/2002 of 23 December on the taxation of non-profit entities and tax incentives for patronage, under Article 16 c) of the same.

    – A certificate of registration, which will be sent by email to the address created for this purpose, will be issued.

    – To finance scholarships for new residents without sufficient resources, so that nobody is excluded from the training provided at Pedralbes Residence Hall for economic reasons.

    – In its own activities, duly agreed by the Board of Directors of the Association. Once covered, you can help, if so decided by the Board, to support the residence hall. Other possibilities include:

    – The cost of maintenance and improvement material works, so that their material is permanently adequate.

    – It will also contribute, as far as possible, in all that is necessary for the performingof activities organized by the Pedralbes Residence Hall.



    Phone (Colegio Mayor Pedralbes’s own): +34 932 806 313

    Contact: Secretary of the Board of Directors of the Association of Former Residents of Pedralbes Residence Hall.

    Registration form.

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